Islam Is a Perfect Religion. It Covers All Aspects of Human Life, Including Spouses’ Sexual Relations.
The Husband and the Wife Choose Their Sexual Activities According to the Teaching of Quran and Ahadith and in Mutual Respect for One Another. in This Context, Following Points Are Important.
1. Sexual Relations Are for the Pleasure of Both the Husband and the Wife and for the Procreation of Children.
2. Nothing Should Be Done That Is Offensive or Harmful or Unacceptable to Your Spouse. Each Has a Duty to Be Sexually Available to the Other, but Neither Has the Right to Disgust or Injure the Other, Physically or Psychologically.
3. Sexual Pleasure Is Not Limited to Vaginal Penetration, as It Includes Other Forms of Caressing, Love Making, Such as Kissing and Fondling of Various Kinds.
4. With a Few Exceptions, the Couple Can Engage in Any Activities That They Like, in Any Manner and in Any Position. Allah (Swt) Rewards Permissible Activities as Surely as He Punishes Sinful Activities. It Is in Quran - "Women Are Your Fields. Go Then Into Your Fields as You Please." ( Al-baqara - 223).
5. It Is Often Reported by Sexual Counselors in Muslim Countries That Some Modern Men and Women Impose on Their Spouse on the Night of Marriage Like Animals and Expect That the Spouse Will Carryout Certain Prohibited Things They Have Seen on Commercial Sex Websites. This Kind of Behavior Often Ruins the Life of Both the Partners.
6. It Is Forbidden in Islam to Have Vaginal Intercourse While a Woman Is Menstruating (Al Baqara - 222).
During Menstruation, Women Often Have Mood Swings. the Husbands Should Give Due Consideration to This Natural Phenomenon. However, a Man and His Menstruating Wife Can Give One Another Pleasure So Long as the Woman's Genitals Are Avoided. on Such Occasions, Women Should Not Remove Their Lower Garment (Pajama).